Monday 28 March 2011

Oatmeal Mask for Acne!

Seriously? Who woulda thunkit!
So i've been flipping through magazines, I get seventeen, teen vogue etc, and I came across this beauty tip that I thought was pretty awesome!
Apparently, an oatmeal face mask is perfect for oil removal if you've got really oily or acne prone skin.

Here is how you do it:
- Combine 3/4 cup of oatmeal with half cup of water and cook for a few minutes.
The mixture will begin to thicken. After about 5-8 mins set it to cool. Put a quarter cup of honey and mix well into a paste. tada! You now have your face mask!

By applying this mask to your face, excessive oil is absorbed from your pores. The roughness also helps take away dead skin cells and somehow exfoliates the skin. If you are wondering what the role of honey is, it is only added to make the mixture pasty. The stickiness of honey makes the oatmeal mask for acne adhering to the skin.

Be careful when you are applying near your eyes though, because the oatmeal may cause irritation. To avoid this, try putting a used tea bag over each eye.

After you have applied the mask, leave it on for about 15-20 mins, but don't overdo it as the oatmeal will harden as it dries and stick to your skin! Wash off thoroughly and pat your face dry.

Remember, there is no need to go out an buy all these expensive skin care products when most of the ingredients you already have at home :)

Good luck!


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