Saturday 8 October 2011

Wonderful World Sale!

Hi Guys, I know I haven't blogged in a while :(
But I just had to let you know that wonderful world has a SALE on for those of you that done know!

Imagine I got a really great Kleancolour liquid Liner for only $4TT! And I already tried it on and it goes on really smooth! I know you think that cheap makeup isn't that great, but like I have said before you really do find some great stuff! And that is why I am here :D I also got some fashion Jewellery. If you guys are interested I can do a post with stuff that i got :) Anyways, go check them out! I'm not sure how long its on for but I went today and its still on.

I'm going to try to post more often when I can but I started classes and thats what has me busy!

Friday 3 June 2011

Make your own Leave-In Conditioner!

Leave-in conditioner helps to alleviate dry, frizzy hair. It also eliminates split ends and leads to a healthier scalp. A leave-in conditioner differs from a normal conditioner as the hair is dampened and the conditioner is left in for a full day. Leave-in conditioner is composed of normal conditioner and a combination of other natural ingredients. The aroma of the conditioner is customizable based on the ingredients you choose.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle
  • Conditioner
  • Natural oil
  • Essential oil
  • Water
1. Clean the spray bottle with soap and water before using.
2 .Add 1/8 cup of conditioner to the spray bottle. Any bottled conditioner works.

3. Pour in 1 tsp. of natural oil. The oil can be olive, sweet almond, coconut, jojoba or avocado.

4. Add a few drops of glycerin.
5. Add in a few drops essential oil. This can be peppermint, jasmine or tea tree.

6. Fill the rest of the bottle with water.

7. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Saturday 14 May 2011

How to do an Up Do on Curly Hair!

things you'll need:

  • Hair brush or comb
  • Hair elastic or rubber band
  • Hairspray
  • Bobby pins
    • Spray your hair with hairspray. An aerosol is the best choice because it dries faster. Hair with some product in it is much easier to handle and style.
    • 2
      Gather your hair at the nape of the neck. Hold it in a loose pony tail with one hand.
    • 3
      Twist it up, bringing the ends toward the top of your head. Attach your hair with a barrette or clip. Arrange your curls on top of your head.
    • 4
      Another option is to put your curly hair into a ponytail in the middle of your head. Secure it with a hair elastic or coated rubber band.
    • 5
      Hold the end of the hair. Slowly wrap it around the ponytail into a bun. Use bobby pins to secure it in place. You may decide to leave some of the curls out and pile them on top of your head.
    • 6
      A third option is to part your hair in the desired place. Create a low ponytail to the side of your neck, leaving the top of your head with some height to it.
    • 7
      Fasten hair with an elastic or rubber band. Arrange curls by pinning them in various places, to create a ball of curls.

Dark Eye Circle Reducer!

1 Cucumber
4 tbs Carrot juice or 4 drops Carrot Essential oil

Blend cucumber in a food processor until mushy. Add carrot juice and blend. Apply to area beneath eyes. Allow to stay on for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

How to do the fish tail braid!

I absolutely love the look of this! I really don't do my hair in lots of different styles but these tips make it so easy that i'm definitely going to give it a try! Besides, its a great way to keep your hair nice and neat :)

Brush your hair thoroughly before you begin. Braiding with tangled hair is no fun and it hurts. After the brushing we'll start the hairstyle.

Gather hair at back of neck and separate into 2 equal strands. Brush each strand separately.

Take a small strand from the underside of left strand pull it under and round the left strand and combine it with the right strand. Try not to pull too tight as this can give a lumpy effect.

Take a small strand from the underside of right strand pull it under and round the right strand and combine it with the left strand.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you reach the end of your hair then tie it off. This is a really nice braid and a wonderful hairstyle.

Basil Bath Salts!

Basil is a fragrant herb is a beneficial ingredient in several beauty products, including lotions and body spray. Using basil as a primary ingredient in homemade bath salts and body wash that will allow anyone to utilize the soothing effects of the herb, including increased circulation and skin moisturizing properties, without spending a small fortune.

1. Crush 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves gently with your fingers. Place the leaves into a large plastic bowl.

2. Add 3 cups Epsom salt, 1 tsp baking powder and 2 tsp. almond oil to the mixture.

3. Add 1 cup sea salt to the bowl and stir all of the ingredients until well incorporated.

4. Pour the basil bath salt into a lidded container.

5. Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the basil salts into a bath of warm water. Soak in the tub to allow the salts to soften you skin.

6. Work the basil salt into your skin during the shower. The salts act as a gentle exfoliator that will leave behind a light, pleasant aroma.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Fashion Tips for Petite Women!

Like Me! I'm only 5 foot 2" and not all styles look great when you're short :( Here are some tips for those of us that need a little guide to lead us on the right fashion track!

Avoid Chopping your Body in Half

One of the most important criteria is to learn how NOT to cut your body in half. You need to create a sleeker, single-body look and this means shopping smarter. The golden rule is less width and more height!
One trick that can add the illusion of a few extra inches is by going for a single-color on both your top and bottom half.

Avoid mixing colors and prints if you don’t want to cut your silhouette in two. Monochromes are your best friend when it comes to elongating your figure as dark colors serve to give you a sleeker look

Be Careful with Belts

Belts are a real danger area for short women. If you wear it around your waistline this simply cuts your body in two. This season’s style is to wear it just under the bust-line (empire-line), or wear it lower down on your hips. The size of the buckle, width of the belt will also play an important part in creating an overall effect.

Wearing Stripes and Patterns

Shorter, style-savvy women have learnt to avoid horizontal stripes. Vertical stripes serve to make your silhouette look longer, even a single vertical line (e.g on a swimsuit, top or skirt) works like a charm. Diagonal stripes can have a similar effect. Look for dresses with vertical lines rather than horizontal ones, you’ll be surprised what a difference it makes to your height.
The same applies to patterns and prints. Avoid wide patterns, small prints and big florals. Go for vertical-style prints such as a long paisley swirls or flowers with stalks, accending down the garment.

Footwear is Key

Footwear is critical when you are petite. A sweeping generalization would be, for the most part, to go for the highest heel you can bear, whilst still feeling comfortable. Not only does this give the illusion of height, but improves your posture, throwing you body slightly forward when you walk.  A high-heel shoes elongates the legs and give the impression of thinner ankles, providing you don’t wear ankle straps (which tend to thicken the leg). A higher heel makes you feel taller, boosts your confidence and improves your posture.
If you don’t feel secure teetering about in stilettos, then wedge-heels are easier to walk on and will still give you the necessary height, but choose a delicate-looking pair, rather than overtly chunky.
When wearing flat heels, a more pointed toe will give you more height than a rounded one. This year’s trendy ballet flats with chunky rounder/squared toes need to be worn with care, if you are going for an overall, head-to-toe, lanky look.

Trousers, Skirts and Dresses

Tapered legs do no-one any favors, especially short legs; and skinny-jeans will work with high-heels but not flats. Your trouser length is critical as it can either make or break the illusion of height. Avoid wearing pants which sit above the shoe, or those who swamp them. Look for length, whereby the hem covered most of your shoe, but does not touch the floor.
When it comes to jeans, boot cuts and slight flares will make you appear taller. This season’s wide-legged, fluid pants can swamp your figure unless you get the length right and choose a style that is close-fitting. The more diaphanous the garment the shorter you’ll look! Forget oversized if you are short and go for something better-fitting.
Contrary to what you may believe, longer length skirts will not give the illusion of the extra height you crave. A skirt which sits just above the knee is the most flattering. Alternatively wearing a sleek-cut maxi dress (not a maxi-skirt with volume) with a pair of high-heels, will have an elongating effect, providing the dress is of a slimming color or print.