Friday 1 April 2011

Westport Sale!

Normally I don't buy a lot of clothes from Westport. But now and again they really do surprise me with the stuff they have and the prices they have them as! For instance, I dropped in WestPort West mall and they had those Ruffle Throw Over Cardigans(except they were short sleeve up to your elbow) for $70! Of course, I bought 2! A black and a Charcoal Grey because they are awesome to dress up to go out at night! Throw those babies over a black or white tank top with jeans and heels and you are ready to go! Very simple and elegant. Love em'! Definitely My favourite buy of the week! :)

I didn't have the time to take pics of mine but I found one online that did it justice so I posted that instead. It looks pretty similar though. So if you like it, go check them out, I didn't see a lot remaining!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds nice...I haven't bought anything from Westport in forever.
